Getting Started
CASE COMPLEXITY If your problem seems easy, perhaps you feel a lawyer is not required. On the other hand, you may still wish to consult with your lawyer to spot hidden problems.
INTEREST Does your lawyer communicate a real concern about your particular problem? Is your lawyer an attentive listener or is he easily distracted during your office visits?
KEY ISSUES Can your lawyer spot key issues and the legal areas involved? Ask your lawyer to discuss the potential risks, problems case alternatives.
FEES What are the legal fees and expenses involved in handling your problem? All clients should fully explore the financial aspects of the case carefully with their lawyer. Ask about the charges and costs of fee arrangements most commonly used in your type of case. A good portion of your lawyer’s work is his time, competent advice and experience as applied to your situation.
REPUTATION What is the reputation of your lawyer’s work product, degree of sensitivity, and ethical performance in helping clients? Reputation is part of the lawyer’s stock in trade. Does your lawyer have a Martindale-Hubbell rating?
INTEGRITY Do you expect conflict or controversy in your case? You should be confident your lawyer will represent your interests zealously even if unpopular. You should expect that your lawyer will represent only you to avoid conflicts of interest. A dual representation between parties should be agreed only in advance in writing with informed consent.
RESULTS No lawyer should make guarantees. No lawyer should insure success in starting a case. Such conduct might be poor judgment or indicate inexperience on the part of the lawyer, as no result can be guaranteed.
HUMAN RELATION SKILLS Does your lawyer have a sense of humor? Clients sometimes become anxious and impatient due to the many frustrations connected with their case. On certain days even the calmest person blows off steam. If this happens to you, do you think your lawyer can react with appropriate humor, calm your justifiable fears, and maintain perspective on your case?
CONFIDENTIALITY Everything between you and your lawyer is absolutely confidential. This is basic to the practice of law.
Call Us
Pulos and Rosell, LLP
Crossroads Professional Building
Downtown on 4 corners
70 Main Street
PO Box 337
Hornell, NY 14843